Friday, September 27, 2013

DIY Hoop Tent

I have been wanting one of these hoop tents (for my daughter of course) for a while now.  I love this one from The Land of Nod, but I really didn't think I could convince my husband that my 3 year old needed a $150 hanging tent, with a $69 floor cushion...  

So I started looking up tutorials online, I didn't think this would be to hard to replicate. I'm not an expert seamstress and I needed something easy. Easy Like with diagrams, and small words... and arrows pointing to things telling me what to do.

There are quit a few tutorials on how to make these but this one was by far the easiest, and had everything I needed, by that I mean diagrams, and arrows...

Since I was trying to do this on the cheap, I decided to brave the gates of Hell Walmart and get supplies:

2 twin flat sheets
1 hula hoop
and a cheap .97 banner I found in the party section

Seriously this project was so easy, I'm pretty confident if I can understand it, then anyone can. 

Here is our new hoop tent!

I kind of LOVE it!

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Back From the Dead

Hey, remember that I had a blog? What the heck happened to it? Oh here it is! OK so I think it's been like a year since I last blogged what the heck have I been up to? Oh not much just moved, had a baby, and working towards starting a photography business.. no big deal.

Truth is though I have missed this little blog of mine, anytime I make anything cool I flood my personal facebook page with iphone pictures, and you better watch out if I make something good for dinner because instagram is definitely getting hit up. I miss being able to share things with people!

So I am going to try to start it all back up again. I'm not making any commitments as to how often I'll be posting , but I WILL be posting. If you want to see what I have been up to in the photography world you check out my website HERE  and check out my totally amazing header that Michelle from The Momma Bird made for me!

In the mean time please enjoy an over share of pictures!

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