Friday, February 24, 2012

So yes, Being a Parent Changes you

 If you would have told me 7 years ago that I would one day be couponing, and pushing around the race car shopping cart in the grocery store... I would have died laughing.

 I would have laughed even harder if you said that some day I would be making up songs about going pee pee and poo poo on the potty, or that I would would have every song ever sang on Barney memorized, (and maybe even know a few of the dance moves.)

 There are so many things I do today, that leave me wondering " who the heck am I!" I always knew I wanted to have kids, and it was no surprise when I found out I was having Ava. But it is funny how your world changes... I didn't think about me dishing out timeouts, and turning simple words like "socks" and "wipes" into "sockies" and "wipies."

 I didn't think I would ever have a good excuse to eat childhood favorites like grilled cheese sandwiches, and  macaroni and cheese again. I guess I still don't really have a good excuse for that...

And I didn't think that I would have 150 videos on my phone of Ava saying " hi, I love you and bye bye" over and over again.

 So yes being a parent changes you, I think for the better...

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  1. That is so true!!! I wanted to have kids, but never thought life will change so much!! I find myself humming row row row ur boat even when she is away sleeping!But in the end its all so worth it! Little kids make this world a better place to live!
    Hope you are having a wonderful day!
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  2. I LOVE this post, I dont have any kids yet but one of my best friends has a little girl and she has changed so much but in a GOOD way! Obviously you are an awesome mommy :]

  3. Very insightful and so true! Once upon a time I couldn't understand how parents can talk so much about their children (and I found it an incredibly boring subject), but once I had my own he's all I ever want to talk about, and look at, and watch. I love parenthood, and I'm definitely changed forever.

    It's great that I stumbled across your blog. I'm your newest follower :-)



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